Q: I get sick every holiday season. This year, I don't want to catch a cold and ruin my vacation. How can I prevent a cold from coming on? I already take echinacea and zinc.
A: We all know the basics for staying healthy during the cold and flu season:
• Maintain good hygiene.
• Wash hands frequently.
• Avoid contact with people who are ill.
• Manage your stress levels and optimize your sleep.
• Get a flu shot, especially if you are over 50 or if you have a medical condition that might affect your immune system, including heart/lung disease or diabetes.
Some alternative therapies that may offer benefits:
• Panax ginseng may improve the response you get from the flu vaccine; should you get the flu, the herb elderberry may reduce your symptoms.
• Echinacea has been shown to reduce the duration of cold symptoms; another herb, andrographis, as well as vitamin C and zinc lozenges or nasal spray, may do the same.
But here is some interesting information that you may not know:
Strengthening your social ties may help prevent the common cold. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1997 covered the effects of relationships on the common cold. Researchers exposed 276 healthy volunteers to the cold virus (rhinovirus). The volunteers were questioned about 12 types of relationships: parental, childhood, friends, groups, etc.
Those who scored only three out of 12 in their relationship questionnaire developed cold symptoms four times as frequently as those with strong social ties. Therefore, we suggest that you stay connected with those you love this holiday season, and mend relationships that need repair. The payoff may be worth it in terms of your physical health.