LOCUS CAJ00343 140 aa linear PLN 14-NOV-2006
DEFINITION putative geranylgerannylpyrophosphate synthase [Andrographis
VERSION CAJ00343.1 GI:67008259
DBSOURCE embl accession AJ973134.1
SOURCE Andrographis paniculata
ORGANISM Andrographis paniculata
Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta;
Spermatophyta; Magnoliophyta; eudicotyledons; core eudicotyledons;
asterids; lamiids; Lamiales; Acanthaceae; Acanthoideae; Ruellieae;
Andrographinae; Andrographis.
AUTHORS Maison,T., Volkaert,H., Boonprakob,U. and Paisooksantivatana,Y.
TITLE Genetic diversity of Andrographis paniculata Wall. ex Nees as
revealed by morphological and molecular markers
JOURNAL (misc) Kasetsart University Journal 39 (2005) In press
REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 140)
AUTHORS Volkaert,H.A.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (03-JUN-2005) Volkaert H.A., Kasetsart University -
Kamphaengsaen Cam, Center for Agricultural Biotechnology,
Kamphaengsaen, NakornPathom 73140, THAILAND
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..140
/organism="Andrographis paniculata"
/db_xref="taxon: 175694"
Protein 1..140
/product="putative geranylgerannylpyrophosphate synthase"
Region <1..>140
/note="Trans-Isoprenyl Diphosphate Synthases (Trans_IPPS),
head-to-tail (HT) (1'-4) condensation reactions; cd00685"
CDS 1..140
/note="locus 1"
/db_xref="InterPro: IPR000092"
/db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL: Q4VY92"
1 lrrgrptnhk vfgedtavla gdallslafn hvaektknve hcrvvraiae lalaigsegl
61 vagqivdlds egekislnel eyihvhktsm lleaaavcgg ilgggestev eslrkyarci
121 gllfqvvddi ldvtksseql
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Geranylgerannylpyrophosphate synthase [Andrographis]
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